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10km Handbook Level 3: 40:00-46:00mins

10km Handbook Level 3: 40:00-46:00mins

This is a 8 week programme designed to help you smash your 10km goals. On this level 3 plan you will have 4 runs & 2 strength sessions per week. The plan has been designed for athletes looking to run between 40:00-46:00mins in their target 10km race.


“I ran the Athens Olympic trials for 10,000m at the age of 41.  I also won the Masters 10km World Championships  the same year. This is a distance I know very well. 

You need the speed of a 5km runner and the stamina of a half marathon runner to do well. It is mostly aerobic, but unless you do some speed-work you will struggle to maintain your pace throughout the whole run. 

I created this training programme with a perfect mix of speed and endurance. If you follow it consistently, you’ll smash all of your 10 KM targets.”


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